Welcome to the LWPTSA Council Special Education Group!

As per your request, we’ve added you to our LWPTSA Council Special Education Group (SEG) mailing list. You will need to approve the invite before you can start receiving emails from us. In case you can’t find the invite in your Inbox please check your Junk folder.

A little overview of who we are and what we do: LWPTSA Special Education Group is a committee within Lake Washington PTSA Council. The Council is the PTSA umbrella that provides support to the local PTSA's at the school level and a wide range of parent education and resource informational supports. We consider any student/family receiving services through IEP's, 504 plans or IHP's (individual health plans) part of our SEG. The group also includes interested staff and students. 

We support parents with resource information. Each school month we have a meeting with speakers on various topics of interest to our families. Except for February, all meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month. Currently, these meetings are hosted virtually 7:00-8:30pm (there are no meetings in December or June). 

Additionally, you can check out our Facebook Page, where we also share information and resources: https://www.facebook.com/LWPTSASpecialEducationGroup  and our website Special Education Group – Lake Washington PTSA Council 2.8

You can contact us at specialeducation@lwptsa.net

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